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Grußwort von Staatsministerin Michelle Müntefering beim Townhall Meeting zu „Frauen, Frieden, Sicherheit“ im Rahmen der Münchner Sicherheitskonferenz

14.02.2020 - Rede

The time for words is over. We need action. Resolution 1325 was adopted 20 years ago. And still, the participation of women in peace processes remains an unfulfilled promise. The unique role that women can play in countering violent extremism is still widely ignored.

In my talks with female peacebuilders and politicians I can see that people are losing patience – and I must say: they are right. What we need now are concrete steps and instruments to advance the goals of Resolution 1325.

I can assure you: the German government will use its membership of the UN Security Council and the EU presidency to advance these very goals:

Our embassies and consulates worldwide have already developed forty projects to breathe life into Resolution 1325. And that is just the beginning.

In March, we will press the heads of UN peacekeeping missions at their annual retreat in Berlin to deliver on Resolution 1325.

And in October as part of our EU Presidency, we will gather female peace mediators from all over the world in Brussels for an exchange on best practices.

All of these activities aim at the concrete implementation of Resolution 1325 on the ground, and on strengthening networks among those who defend the role of women every day in the field.

I think that’s a good beginning, but we need more. And for that aim, we need the expertise and experience of those who work on the ground, we need your experience and expertise. That is why we are here. And that is why I’m so much looking forward to exchanging ideas with you on how we can make real progress.

In order to make progress, we need strong alliances. Therefore, I am really glad that we are hosting this town hall meeting jointly with our British friends and colleagues, with whom we work very closely together in strengthening Resolution 1325.

Ladies and Gentlemen: We want actions, not words. Please do hold us accountable that we live up to this commitment.

Thank you very much.


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