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Erklärung der Außenminister des Weimarer Dreiecks zur Lage in der Ukraine
Die Außenminister Deutschlands, Frankreichs und Polens, Frank-Walter Steinmeier, Radoslaw Sikorski und Laurent Fabius, haben sich heute (18.07.) auf folgende gemeinsame Erklärung verständigt:
Statement by the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of France, Germany and Poland on the crash of Malaysian Airlines flight MH17
We are shocked and saddened by the tragic crash of Malaysian flight MH-17 that occurred in eastern Ukraine yesterday. We extend our sincerest condolences to those who lost family members, friends or colleagues in this terrible event.
Echoing yesterday’s statement by the High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, we call for a thorough investigation into the causes and circumstances of the plane crash, which will require an immediate cessation of hostilities and full access to the area for international teams.
Should it be corroborated that the plane was actually shot down, those responsible will be held accountable. They must not receive any further support either directly or indirectly.
At the same time, the incident shows how utterly dangerous the situation in eastern Ukraine has become. Many innocent people have lost their lives. Many more have been forced to flee from the area.
Now, everyone involved is called upon by the tragic events to pause, to remind themselves of their responsibility and actively join forces to bring about an immediate, comprehensive and sustainable cease-fire.
We need to pave the way now for a solution to all disputed issues through true dialogue.