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Rede von Staatsministerin Michelle Müntefering bei der EU-Konferenz „THE NEW EUROPEAN BAUHAUS – WERKSTATT DER ZUKUNFT“ am 6. Juli 2021 im Rahmen der Frankfurt Fashion Week
Sometimes, a revolution can start as small as a door knob. In the early 1920 Walter Gropius developed a knob which is famous until today. It was one of the early Bauhaus designs. And it says a lot about what the Bauhaus is all about: everyday objects which improve the lives of the many. The Bauhaus was an international movement. It stands for a functional design in a democratic society. And it stands for the departure into the modern age.
This makes the Bauhaus an important role model for today.
The central elements of the Bauhaus back then were: form and function. Today, the motto could be: form, function and condition.
Today’s design industry must address the big challenges of today, just as the Bauhaus did one century ago. It must be a driving force for the necessary transformation of our times.
Because we know: It is not enough to make elegant and functional objects. It matters, where and how they are produced. Sustainable products and fair supply chains must be central pillar stones of 21st century design.
Maybe the door knob of tomorrow will be a sustainable bamboo town house. Maybe it will be a zero-emission airplane. We don’t know what the future holds in store for us. But one thing is for sure: the condition of how design is made will be crucial.
Ladies and gentlemen,
I am convinced: design and fashion have the potential to transform our world. And they also have the potential to establish a more equal global discourse.
Every time I travel to African countries, I am astonished by the creativity and vibrancy there. African fashion hubs, such as Lagos, Cape Town and Johannesburg have become an essential part of the international fashion landscape. Here you can really see the potential of cultural industries as a driving force for sustainable development.
We must use this potential.
One century ago, a knob opened the door to the modern age.
Today, the doors of the future are wide open. Through the door gap we can already see what enormous transformation lies ahead of us. Now, we have to grab the door knob and get going. All together: environmental and technological experts, engineers, and policy makers worldwide. This conference is an important step to this end.
I wish you all inspirational talks and a good exchange.
Thank you.