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Grußwort von Staatsministerin Müntefering bei der Gedenkfeier für Guido Goldman
Maybe some of you know the seeming giant in Michael Ende’s novel Jim Button. The closer you get, the smaller he becomes.
Guido Goldmann was the opposite of a seeming giant. The more you learn about him, the taller he becomes. That’s how I felt, when I got to know him.
Guido was an enabler. He enabled people to get to know each other, meet and exchange ideas.
To achieve what he has achieved, you must have many talents. Guido was a brilliant intellectual, a talented communicator, an attentive listener.
And many of us also witnessed another of Guido’s talents: to become a dear friend.
I still remember when we met for the first time in the parliamentarian society here in Berlin. I will never forget Guido and his best friend Karl coming down the stairs: Two perfect gentlemen.
Years later - and that was one of our last meetings - we had lunch at Boston harbor in one of his favourite fish restaurants. He asked me as always a lot about German politics: persons, party developments, topics.
That day I felt he left me with more questions than answers. That was exactly the moment I had the feeling that his story had to be told.
You all know that the book about Guido’s life is being published now. I’m convinced: It’s important to know about his story.
Back in Boston, it wasn’t clear, if his memories would be written down. He was ways too modest to seek the spotlight.
I knew I would need some partners in crime. On my way back I thought: If I could convince Karl, Guido would finally be won over. And so he was.
The book project became very dear to his heart. Guido was very much looking forward to the publication. And he also saw the cover image, which puts it perfectly: America’s Mr. Germany.
I will never forget his wisdom, his humanity and philanthropy. And I’m sure whoever had the luck to know him, will neither.
Dear friends, I’m sure the transatlantic relationship will have a prospect future, if we all learn from Guido. Because: The closer we get, the more important we become to one another.