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Übereinkommen vom 04. Oktober 2010 über den Bau und Betrieb einer Einrichtung für die Forschung mit Antiprotonen und Ionen in Europa (FAIR)
- Statusliste PDF / 155 KB
- Vertragstext (Original) PDF / 6 MB
- Technical Document 1: Description of the FAIR facility to be constructed and the stages of construction (Part A) and The Modularized Start Version – A stepwise approach to the realization of the Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research in Europe (FAIR) (Part B) PDF / 567 KB
- Technical Document 2: Detailed breakdown of the construction costs and table showing the estimated annual incidence of expenditure for construction and operation PDF / 59 KB
- Technical Document 3: Map of the site where the FAIR facility is to be constructed PDF / 365 KB
- Technical Document 4: Procedure for the acceptance of in-kind contributions and the related evaluation method PDF / 16 KB
Vertragstext (Bundesgesetzblatt)
PDF / 6 MB
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