
Federal Foreign Minister Steinmeier expresses sorrow on the death of former Spanish Prime Minister Suárez

23.03.2014 - Press release

Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier today (23 March) issued the following statement on the death of former Spanish Prime Minister Adolfo Suárez González:

“The news of the death of former Spanish Prime Minister Adolfo Suárez leaves me greatly saddened.
Not many people know that it was Suárez who, at the end of the Franco dictatorship, launched the bold reforms in Spain that ushered in a new democratic era. During those difficult transition years his government did much of the groundwork required to build the rule of law and a public administration whose decisions were not arbitrary but taken in accordance with proper procedures. His name will always be associated with the successful restoration of democracy in Spain. Democrats throughout Europe will remember his achievements.
To his children and family we offer our deepest sympathy.”

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