Ministers of State Roth, Annen and Müntefering on the Federal Foreign Office budget – the priorities: Europe, international responsibility, cultural relations and education policy
The Federal Foreign Office’s budget is to be increased to 5.825 billion euros in 2019. Minister of State for Europe Michael Roth stressed the importance of Europe for German foreign policy:
The 2019 budget sends a clear message for Europe. We want a strong, self-confident and sovereign European Union. Europe needs to assume greater responsibility, and we want to play our part in a spirit of solidarity.
Minister of State at the Federal Foreign Office Niels Annen welcomed the increased funding for humanitarian assistance, crisis prevention and stabilisation:
I am delighted that the German Bundestag has again upgraded the Federal Foreign Office’s political activities in the budget procedure. This is important, because Germany is now playing an outstanding role globally in humanitarian assistance, crisis prevention and stabilisation. In 2019 we will be a member of the United Nations Security Council. The responsibility we carry as a result can be credibly underpinned by our project work.
The Minister of State for International Cultural Policy at the Federal Foreign Office, Michelle Müntefering, thanked the Members of the German Bundestag for their clear commitment to cultural relations and education policy:
The Members of the German Bundestag today issued a clear signal for freedom in art, culture and science worldwide, thereby strengthening international cultural policy. That is good for the important work done by all intermediary organisations. I would therefore like expressly to thank the Members of the Bundestag, the Budget Committee, the responsible rapporteurs and the Subcommittee on Cultural and Education Policy Abroad for their commitment. For the first time, with some 40 million euros more in the budget, we will be able to spend over a billion euros on this third pillar of German foreign policy. This is a strong German contribution to dialogue, interaction and understanding which clearly emphasises the role played by culture. The energy of the cultural sphere is needed.