
Foreign Minister Gabriel on the events in Skopje

28.04.2017 - Press release

Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel commented as follows today (28 April) on the situation in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia:

“The events in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, where the parliament building was stormed yesterday and legislators were beaten before the eyes of security personnel, are not in keeping with what we in the EU expect from a candidate for EU membership.

A government must now finally be formed in Skopje, to fulfil the mandate of the democratic elections that were held in December. It is simply unacceptable that the previous ruling party has refused to allow this to happen, and that its supporters are storming parliament and beating legislators.”

A Federal Foreign Office Spokesperson added the following statement:

“Talat Xhaferi is the constitutionally elected speaker of parliament. This result – along with the outcome of the parliamentary elections – must also be respected by his opponents. We expect the government to maintain law and order in the country.

The responsible officials in Skopje should turn their professed commitment to Europe into deeds, accept the outcome of the election and allow it to be implemented. This clear message from the German Government was today conveyed to the Ambassador of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia when he was summoned to the Federal Foreign Office.”

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