
Foreign Minister Steinmeier: Attempted coup is a wake-up call for Turkish democracy

17.07.2016 - Press release

Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier issued the following statement today (17 July) on the most recent developments in Turkey:

“The attempted coup in Turkey is a wake-up call for Turkish democracy. Despite all the horrors, it also made plain that Turkish society does not want to live once more under the yoke of a military dictatorship and wants to decide democratically on its future. It is however an especially bitter consequence that the adventurism of some of the military and their disregard for democratic processes cost so many people their lives.

I hope very much that the democratic unity of all key civilian and political forces in Turkey demonstrated at this time of suffering and distress can help overcome the major tension and deep chasms in Turkish society. It will be important here for all involved to remain aware of their major responsibility for Turkish democracy and constitutional order and for all rule‑of‑law principles also to be respected in the judicial follow-up which is now needed.”

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