
Foreign Minister Westerwelle meets interim prime minister of the Syrian opposition

10.04.2013 - Press release

Prior to the G8 Foreign Ministers Meeting in London, Foreign Minister Westerwelle met Ghassan Hitto, interim prime minister of the Syrian opposition, this afternoon in London. After the meeting in the German Embassy, Federal Foreign Minister Westerwelle issued the following statement:

We support Mr Hitto in his efforts to create a strong and united opposition based on democratic principles. Together with our partners, we are working on ways to put an end to the horrific logic of the civil war in Syria and to force the old regime to the negotiating table. That is why we are supporting the interim institutions of the moderate Syrian opposition and its goal of providing the population in the areas under its control with the most urgently needed supplies. The Syrian people need to be able to see that there is a democratic alternative to the violence of the Assad regime.

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