
Minister of State Pieper at the opening of Cebit: shaping the future together with Poland

04.03.2013 - Press release

Poland is Cebit’s official partner country in 2013. At the opening of the world’s largest international fair for information and communication technology, the Minister of State at the Federal Foreign Office and Coordinator of German-Polish Intersocietal and Cross-Border Cooperation, Cornelia Pieper, issued the following statement today (4 March):

This year’s partner country Poland is an innovative, dynamic and growing business location which already has the closest possible ties with the German market. Our partner’s Cebit presence will provide an opportunity to further enhance economic cooperation between our two countries.
Modern technologies such as those showcased at Cebit transcend political borders, thus uniting societies. We Germans and Poles still have painful memories of the Iron Curtain and the wall of silence which ran through Europe. This unnatural separation of neighbouring countries has now been overcome – geographical distances are fast losing importance in our united Europe. Thanks to the Internet, tablet computers and smartphones, young people in particular can move closer to each other and engage in a lively exchange. I would like to see Poles and Germans use the new technical tools in order to get to know each other even better and shape Europe’s future together.

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