
Foreign Minister Westerwelle condemns attack in Tel Aviv

21.11.2012 - Press release

Foreign Minister Westerwelle issued the following statement today on the conflict in Gaza and the attack in Tel Aviv.

The conflict in Gaza is a great danger for the entire region.
I condemn the attack that has taken place in Tel Aviv. Our thoughts and sympathy go out to the victims and their families. We wish the injured a speedy recovery.
We believe that it is all the more important to achieve a ceasefire soon and to see that from that ceasefire an end to hostilities emerges so that the number of civilian victims does not continue to grow. The people must have a peaceful future.
Three things are necessary for a lasting end to hostilities to come about: a permanent end to rocket attacks, effective prevention of weapons being smuggled into Gaza and the creation of prospects for economic development for the people there.
We are not only Israel’s friend; we are also the friend of all peace-loving Palestinians. Over the course of recent years, Germany has repeatedly demonstrated that to the best of our ability we will support the Palestinian territories both in making progress on economic development and, within the frame of a negotiated two-state solution, in establishing an autonomous, independent state.

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