
Human Rights Commissioner calls for the release of arrested Egyptian blogger Maikel Nabil Sanad

07.10.2011 - Press release

The imprisoned blogger Maikel Nabil Sanad, who went on a hunger strike on 23 August, is clearly in an extremely critical state of health.

Markus Löning, Federal Government Commissioner for Human Rights Policy at the Federal Foreign Office, today (7 October) made the following statement:

“I am deeply concerned about the news of the extremely critical state of health of the imprisoned Egyptian blogger Maikel Nabil Sanad.
On behalf of the German Government, I call upon the competent authorities to immediately suspend Maikel Nabil’s sentence and to have the verdict which was passed by a military tribunal on 10 April examined by a civilian court in fair proceedings.
The great number of proceedings against demonstrators and activists pending at military tribunals is very alarming and not in line with rule-of-law principles.
Egyptian men and women have taken to the streets for dignity, human rights and democracy. Those responsible are called upon to respect this and resolutely push forward Egypt’s development into a democratic state based on the rule of law.”

On 28 March 2011, the 25-year old blogger and conscientious objector Maikel Nabil Sanad was arrested and on 10 April 2011, he was sentenced to three years of imprisonment on grounds of alleged “libel of the military” and “dissemination of false information.” Mr Sanad has been on a hunger strike since 28 March and has sometimes also refused water. At times he has been force-fed.

Human rights organizations believe that he is in danger of dying soon.

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