
Foreign Minister Westerwelle encourages German business to engage in Libya

29.09.2011 - Press release

Tonight, Foreign Minister Westerwelle will take part in a German Libyan business meeting organized by the German African Business Association in Berlin. The aim of the meeting is to encourage German companies to support Libya’s economic development through investment and trade.

Prior to the meeting, Foreign Minister Westerwelle issued the following statement in Berlin today (29 September):

“It is in our own vital interest for reconstruction and democratic development in Libya to succeed. Germany supports the new Libya and the National Transitional Council.
The democratic transition very much hinges on economic life getting off the ground again.
That is why we have ensured that a large part of Libyan funds currently held frozen in Germany and Europe will be used for the benefit of the Libyan people.
In addition, we now have to support the development of market economy structures in Libya. I can see chances and opportunities here for German business to engage in areas such as energy, transport, infrastructure and engineering, in which they have traditionally played an important role in the country.
I encourage German companies to play their part in Libya’s reconstruction and support the aim set by the Federal Economics Minister in his Ten Point Action Plan for Libya.”

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