Vivre l’amitié franco-allemande – visit by Foreign Minister Baerbock to Paris

Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock in a meeting with the French president Emmanuel Macron, © Thomas Trutschel/photothek.de
9 May is Europe Day, and what better destination for Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock than Paris and a visit to our closest friends and partners?

Foreign Minister Baerbock will spend two days (9 and 10 May) in the French capital. During her visit, she will hold in-depth talks with her French counterpart Catherine Colonna and attend the French Cabinet meeting. She will also have a meeting with President Macron.
Just a few months ago, in January, the German Cabinet was in Paris for the Franco-German Council of Ministers. Foreign Minister Baerbock is building on this meeting with her visit this week. France and Germany have a tradition of attending each other’s cabinet meetings. In 2019, the two countries agreed in the Treaty of Aachen that ministers would regularly take part in the other country’s cabinet meetings, as the decades-long friendship and the mutual trust between our countries form the basis for a Europe that will be able to withstand the challenges of the future.
In support of a strong European Union
Just last year, the European Union proved itself to be stronger and more united than many would have expected of it. However, the often lengthy decision-making processes in Brussels also became evident. Foreign Minister Baerbock’s talks will thus also address how to make the EU more capable of acting and fit for future enlargements. This necessitates faster and more effective decisions in Brussels, particularly in the field of common foreign and security policy. Along with France and seven other EU Member States, Germany has set up a Group of Friends to call for qualified majority voting in the Council.
The French Cabinet meeting to be attended by Foreign Minister Baerbock tomorrow will also address support for people in Ukraine in their fight for freedom and a just peace. Further topics on the agenda will include Europe’s approach to China and close Franco-German coordination to foster EU resilience, strength and competitiveness.
True friends support each other in times of need – joint evacuation from the Sudan
Franco-German cooperation and coordination based on mutual trust were recently demonstrated in an impressive way during the evacuation from the Sudan. The two countries worked hand in hand and liaised closely during the dangerous operation to airlift citizens of Germany, France and other countries to enable them to return home safely, regardless of whether their home was in Berlin or Brest. Foreign Minister Baerbock will thank her French colleagues for this trust and team effort.
What happens after this two-day visit to Paris? Foreign Minister Baerbock and her French counterpart Catherine Colonna will meet again this week at the Munich-format meeting in Berlin and the Gymnich meeting in Stockholm. With four of the five working days spent together, we can truly say: “C’est de l’amitié franco-allemande vécue!”