
Information about Germany


Germany platform

Informing the world about Germany and conveying a positive image of the Country: One of the most important instruments in this regard is the Germany platform. The world can gain an impression of our country in 10 languages on the website www.deutschland.de, as well as on its social media channels.

Facts about Germany

Facts about Germany, title
Facts about Germany, title © Auswärtiges Amt

Facts about Germany is a handbook for anyone seeking reliable and up-to-date information on the Federal Republic of Germany. It provides facts and figures about the country and its people, its government system, social life, poltical groupings and trends, all the different sectors of industry and business, and the multifaceted face of culture in Germany and its 15 federal states.

Facts about Germany


News: Deutsche Welle Online

Deutsche Welle is Germany’s international radio broadcaster, offering news online in more than 30 languages.

Deutsche Welle Online

Government online

The official website of the German federal government.

Federal Government

E-Government: Bund.de

The Portal of the Federal Government is the gateway to the services and online information of the German Administration and other public agencies. The web portal is organised around life events, business areas, fields of activity, and other areas.


Federal Statistical Office

The Federal Statistcal Office Provides statistical information about Germany.

Federal Statistical Office

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