
Visit to Poland by Minister of State Roth

19.09.2018 - Press release

Minister of State for Europe Michael Roth is setting off today (19 September) on a two day trip to Warsaw. As well as holding political talks at the Foreign Ministry, he will visit the Foundation for German Polish Cooperation and take part in the ceremony for the Young European Awards, a pan European prize for young people. Michael Roth will also meet representatives of Poland’s civil society and the Commissioner for the Protection of Human Rights, as well as participate in a plenary session of the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights.

Prior to his departure, Minister of State Roth said:

The rule of law is one of the fundamental principles on which the European Union is founded. That is why the EU is engaged in a very serious dialogue with Poland. I believe it is important for that very reason to discuss the situation frankly and directly both with the Polish Government and with Polish civil society. Europe needs to stand together now. However, always on the basis of shared values.


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