
Statement by the Federal Foreign Office on North Korea’s launch of two ballistic Missiles

25.07.2019 - Press release

A Federal Foreign Office Spokesperson issued the following statement today (25 July) on North Korea’s launch of two ballistic missiles:

The German Government condemns the fact that North Korea has once again launched two ballistic missiles.

Any ballistic missile test – and current information indicates this was indeed such a test – is both a serious violation of North Korea’s obligations under the relevant UN Security Council resolutions and feeds doubts about Pyongyang’s willingness to give up its ballistic missile and nuclear weapons programme.

We once again call on North Korea to end all provocative actions and fully implement the resolutions of the UN Security Council. We expect North Korea to take concrete and credible steps towards complete, verifiable and irreversible denuclearisation.

This includes North Korea swiftly creating the conditions for a sound negotiation process.

Background information

According to South Korea’s military, in the early morning hours of 25 July, North Korea fired two unidentified projectiles from its Wonsan missile base. Media outlets report that the missiles flew 430 and 690 km, respectively. This test comes not long after President Trump and Kim Jong Un met in Panmunjom on 30 June and at a time when US efforts are aimed at establishing a sound working‑level negotiation process.


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