
A Federal Foreign Office Spokesperson on the clashes in Nicaragua

23.04.2018 - Press release

A Federal Foreign Office Spokesperson issued the following statement today (23 April) on the clashes between demonstrators, government supporters and security forces in Nicaragua:

The German Government condemns the use of armed force in Nicaragua during the protests of the last few days. We call on all sides to refrain from violence immediately.

The German Government conveys its heartfelt condolences to the families of the many people killed. There is at least one journalist among the victims. We wish all those injured a speedy recovery. We expect Nicaragua’s Government to quickly instigate a comprehensive investigation into the deaths.

The Government’s curtailment of press freedom is unacceptable. Journalists must again be allowed to report freely and without any restrictions as soon as possible.

The Government’s withdrawal of the controversial social insurance reforms can be a first step towards a national dialogue. All sections of society must be included in this dialogue.

Background information:

An increase in social insurance contributions as well as pension cuts triggered several days of violent protest with many deaths in Nicaragua. The country’s President Ortega has now withdrawn the social reforms.


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