
Minister of State Müntefering travelling to London

10.07.2019 - Press release

Michelle Müntefering, Minister of State for International Cultural Policy at the Federal Foreign Office, is travelling to London for the Global Conference for Media Freedom. Prior to her departure, she said:

The situation facing journalists always shows where freedom of expression stands, as well as the challenges to democracy. That is why this conference is urgently needed.

We would like to focus on the situation of women working in journalism. More must be done to protect them because we need women’s views and angle. They can create a different and critical media discourse. Reporting by women from and on conflict regions can help to support conflict prevention and to consolidate peace processes.

Female journalists thus also foster implementation of the key aspects of Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace and Security, which is a priority of Germany’s UN Security Council membership in 2019 and 2020.

Background Information:

Michelle Müntefering, Minister of State for International Cultural Policy at the Federal Foreign Office, is attending the Global Conference for Media Freedom in London on 10 and 11 July. Organised by the United Kingdom and Canada, the event is part of an international campaign aimed at highlighting the topic of media freedom around the world. The participants will discuss mechanisms and instruments to combat violations of media freedom effectively and to provide better protection to journalists in their work. Some 120 countries will be represented at the event and 50 Foreign Ministers are expected to attend.


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