
Foreign Minister Maas on the Yemen conference at the Federal Foreign Office

15.01.2019 - Press release

Foreign Minister Heiko Maas issued the following statement today (15 January) on the situation in Yemen and current international efforts to help initiate a peace process:

A few weeks ago, an unhoped for breakthrough was achieved in the long running and complex conflict in Yemen that has had such catastrophic consequences for the civilian population. Engaging in direct talks, the parties to the conflict agreed on a number of confidence building measures.

Initial steps have been implemented at the port and in the province of Hodeidah. Additional action must now be taken, under the leadership of the United Nations, to make further progress. Germany will support these efforts, and it is to this end that we have invited international partners and key actors to a conference in Berlin.

Meanwhile, fighting continues unabated in other parts of the country. The humanitarian situation is deteriorating more and more the longer the conflict drags on.

This makes it all the more important to use this small but real window of opportunity. We must work to make the international community’s support for the upcoming process as constructive and strong as possible. This includes ensuring that further progress is not impeded by a lack of funds or lengthy administrative processes.

Background information:

Tomorrow (16 January), there will be a high-level meeting of civil servants that will include UN Special Envoy for Yemen Martin Griffiths, Resident Coordinator of the UN in Yemen Lise Grande, representatives of international partners, donors and important regional actors.

Germany’s engagement aims to support, to the greatest extent possible, both the efforts of the UN Special Envoy and the initiation of a peace process for Yemen.

Together with Resident Coordinator of the UN in Yemen Lise Grande, Germany has established a fund to help facilitate swift implementation, in cooperation with the parties, of the agreements that have been reached in Stockholm, in particular for Hodeidah.


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