
Verbatim: Foreign Minister Heiko Maas on the importance of the European Union

09.01.2019 - Press release

“We can only defend our values and assert our interests as part of the EU.”

Foreign Minister Heiko Maas issued the following statement to “Die Welt” newspaper:

We stand for the free world and free trade. Europe – not protectionism and isolationism – is the answer to the resurgence of nationalism. We can only defend our values and assert our interests as part of the EU. Whether we are talking about climate change, migration or digital transformation, no country in Europe can overcome the global challenges on its own.

To this end, we must keep the European Union together. We also need a new Ostpolitik, that is, a European Ostpolitik. One thing we need to do in this context is to take into account the interests of Eastern Europeans, who feel far more threatened by Russia than others do.


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