Foreign Minister Maas on the 25th anniversary of the Srebrenica genocide
Foreign Minister Heiko Maas today (11 July) issued the following statement on the 25th anniversary of the Srebrenica genocide:
More than any other place, Srebrenica stands for the atrocities and crimes against humanity committed in the countries of the former Yugoslavia in the 1990s. Eight thousand boys and men were murdered. In the late 20th century, at the heart of Europe, before the eyes of the international community. Srebrenica must never be allowed to be repeated. On that we are agreed. We must resolutely stand up to nationalistic tendencies, wherever we encounter them.
In addition to paying tribute to the victims, recognising the perpetrators’ criminal responsibility is critical for enabling a society’s reconciliation. That is why, particularly in Germany, we are making such a committed effort – also due to the responsibility arising from our own history. We have therefore always given the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia our full support, and we are pleased that its work is being continued responsibly with the Residual Mechanism. However, it is a matter not only for international criminal jurisdiction but also for the countries themselves: they bear a responsibility for bringing the perpetrators to justice.
Today our hearts and our thoughts are with the victims of the Srebrenica genocide and their families. Remembrance must be a spur to determinedly pursue the path of reconciliation and reckoning.