Foreign Minister Maas on the implementation of the nuclear agreement with Iran
Foreign Minister Heiko Maas made the following remarks in an interview with Funke Mediengruppe on the implementation of the nuclear agreement with Iran:
From the outset it was predominantly we Europeans who worked to defuse the conflict. We have expressed our unconditional support for preserving the nuclear agreement. In Biarritz we demonstrated that we are leaving no stone unturned in our attempts to bring all parties back to the negotiating table. And we are jointly working on proposals to ensure that the situation in the Strait of Hormuz does not spiral out of control.
In this situation it would send completely the wrong message if Iran decided to cease complying with other obligations set down in the nuclear agreement. We want Iran to return to full compliance with the JCPOA. It is still possible to find a solution, but we Europeans cannot do that single-handedly while the others keep raising the stakes. All parties now need to act responsibly, otherwise there is a danger that we will miss the chance to find a peaceful solution to the conflict