
Foreign Minister Maas with regard to 55 years of German-Israeli diplomatic relations

12.05.2020 - Press release

On the occasion of the 55th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Germany and Israel, Foreign Minister Maas said today (May 12th):

Today we celebrate 55 years of diplomatic relations with Israel . We are deeply grateful that this even became possible after the horrors of the Shoah. Since then, our two countries, Germans and Israelis, have always come closer to each other. Today, we are connected in friendship, trust and cooperation in basically all aspects of life. What is really important - besides regular government consultations, official visits or formal rituals - are the encounters between the people. Germans and Israelis do research, make music, work and live together day by day and side by side – given our history this is anything but self-evident and it fills me with gratitude and joy!


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