“Keeping the door open to diplomacy”
Foreign Minister Heiko Maas made the following statement to Funke Mediengruppe regarding the situation in the Gulf:
Even though everyone says that they do not want a war, it is first and foremost the Europeans that are actively helping to keep the door open to diplomacy. These efforts can only succeed if we, as the E3, act as one. We have made clear that we do not subscribe to the United States’ policy of maximum pressure. Our efforts in the region must be recognisably European.
Europe has a vested interest in helping to promote security in the Gulf. One of the things we are discussing in the E3 is how we can bring all countries in the region to the table to discuss the issue of maritime security. Getting this done will require a lot of diplomatic work. Yet, to avoid unwanted escalation, there must be viable channels of communication and a dialogue on common rules.
It is also very much in our interest to stay in close contact with our E3 partners regarding their concepts for a possible maritime mission. In particular, we are in contact with the new UK government in order to learn what its position will be. The planning process, however, is still at a very early stage. Whether or not Germany will participate can only be decided once we have a clear idea of what such a mission would look like. Only then can the relevant political and legal questions be addressed that must be answered before such a decision can be taken.