
Video message from Heiko Maas, Federal Minister for Foreign Affairs, for the German Pavilion at the UN Climate Change Conference (COP26)

31.10.2021 - Speech

Storms in the Caribbean, droughts in the Sahel, floods in Germany – around the world, the devastating effects of climate change are real.

Climate change is the existential threat of our time – to all of us.

That’s why Germany has worked hard to make COP26 a success:

By raising our national climate targets.

By supporting the European Green Deal.

And by reaching out to countries around the globe to join hands and raise ambitions.

Germany has made climate diplomacy a priority of its foreign policy:

We are providing humanitarian aid to countries suffering from the impact of extreme weather events.

And we are tackling the risks climate change poses to peace and security.

Together with Nauru, as Co-chair of the Group of Friends, we have advanced debates on Climate and Security in the United Nations Security Council.

Germany is financing the first Climate and Security Advisor to a United Nations Mission.

And we are setting up “Weathering Risk” – a risk and foresight assessment tool that will help the United Nations and others address climate security risks.

Dear friends,
COP26 must succeed. Not only to protect nature and human life on our planet. But also to make sure that peace and security can prevail in our world.


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