
Foreign Minister Maas on the adoption of Security Council Resolution 2532 (2020) on COVID‑19

01.07.2020 - Press release

Foreign Minister Heiko Maas issued the following statement today (1 July) after Resolution 2532 (2020) on COVID‑19 was adopted by the UN Security Council:

The fact that the UN Security Council has embraced the appeal for a global ceasefire sends a message of hope to people in conflict regions. And it marks a great start to our Presidency of the Security Council this month. Our task now is to drive forward the implementation of the global ceasefire.

This agreement was the result of tough negotiations brokered with commitment by France and Tunisia. It shows that differences can be overcome. More than ever, the UN Security Council needs this will to find joint responses to combatting the pandemic and its consequences for crises and conflicts across the globe. Multilateral action and international cooperation are essential not only in this crisis but also when dealing with other conflicts.

The parties to conflicts around the world are now called upon to silence their guns for 90 days in order to give the people in crisis areas weakened by war, expulsion, hunger and the COVID‑19 pandemic the pause for breath that they so desperately need. They should also grant humanitarian aid workers access so that they can carry out their vital work.

At Germany’s initiative, tomorrow the UN Security Council will address the impact of pandemics on crises as well as other aspects of health issues with security implications, for instance the consequences for peace missions. I look forward to a meaningful discussion in the UN Security Council.

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