
Foreign Minister Maas on recent developments in Kabul and Doha

29.02.2020 - Press release

Foreign Minister Heiko Maas issued the following statement today (29 February) on recent developments in Kabul and Doha:

The recent developments in Kabul and Doha are a sign of hope. They create long-awaited prospects for a peace process in Afghanistan.

It is now crucial that the Taliban further reduce the violence. All stakeholders must fulfil their obligations and start intra-Afghan talks as soon as possible.

It is important to us that the negotiations build on what Afghanistan has achieved in recent years in the area of human rights and the rule of law. There can be no return to the Taliban’s sole totalitarian rule at the expense of an entire generation of young women and men.

Germany is prepared to play a major role in supporting the upcoming intra-Afghan peace process and will remain committed to achieving a peaceful and lasting solution to the conflict in Afghanistan together with its partners.


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