
Statement by the Federal Foreign Office on the situation in Libya

05.09.2018 - Press release

A Federal Foreign Office Spokesperson issued the following statement today (5 September) on the situation in Libya:

It was an important signal that representatives of the parties to the conflict responded to the call by Ghassan Salamé, the UN Secretary-General’s Special Representative, for talks and, thanks to his mediation, reached an agreement on a ceasefire yesterday evening.

Following clashes in Tripoli in recent days, in which many people, including children, were killed and injured, it is now crucial that the agreement be upheld immediately and to the letter. The fighting must now cease and any renewed escalation be avoided. Protecting the civilian population must be the top priority.

In the interest of the people of Libya and the whole country, all stakeholders are called upon to work towards a lasting stabilisation of the situation and to strengthen the institutions of the state. After all, a viable solution to the conflicts within Libya can only be achieved in a political process under the aegis of the United Nations.

Germany continues to stand ready to support Libya on this path together with the European Union and its partners.


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