
Human Rights Commissioner Kofler on the killing of five humanitarian aid workers in north-east Nigeria

23.07.2020 - Press release

Dr Bärbel Kofler, Federal Government Commissioner for Human Rights Policy and Humanitarian Assistance at the Federal Foreign Office, issued the following statement today (23 July) on the killing of five humanitarian aid workers in north-east Nigeria:

I was shocked to learn of the killing of five humanitarian aid workers in north-east Nigeria by the terrorist group Boko Haram. This crime was committed against people who were risking their lives to help others and alleviate suffering. I appeal to the Nigerian Government to do everything possible to investigate this cowardly act, punish the perpetrators, call those responsible to account and ensure protection for all humanitarian aid workers and for the population.

Countless people have lost their lives in the most horrific manner in this conflict, which has been ongoing for more than ten years; many more are living unprotected in the areas under Boko Haram’s control. This slaughter must stop! What is needed, alongside humanitarian assistance, are measures to stabilise the region and restore civil order; only then can a process of sustainable development begin. The Federal Government is working with its partners to end the violence in north-east Nigeria, to help those suffering hardship and to support long-term reconstruction.

Background information:

The Federal Government’s engagement in north-east Nigeria takes the form of humanitarian assistance and comprehensive stabilisation and project measures in the fields of human rights and gender equality. So far in 2020, the Federal Republic of Germany has already pledged funding of over 65 million euro for humanitarian agencies in the Lake Chad region. The Federal Government is also the largest donor to the Regional Stabilisation Facility for the Lake Chad Basin.


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