
Statement by the Federal Foreign Office on the building of over 2300 housing units in the occupied West Bank

05.11.2019 - Press release

A Federal Foreign Office Spokesperson issued the following statement today (5 November) on the latest steps in plans to build over 2300 housing units in the occupied West Bank:

We have noted with great concern the Israeli authorities’ decisions to further expand settlements in the occupied West Bank. Like its partners in the European Union, the German Government regards the building of settlements in the Palestinian territories as illegal under international law and as a major obstacle to the possibility of a two-state solution to be negotiated between Israel and the Palestinians. It calls on those involved to refrain from taking any steps that would further hinder a two-state solution.
In this context, the German Government aligns itself with the statement of 4 November by a spokesperson of the European External Action Service.

Background information:

On 10 October 2019, the Higher Planning Council of the Civil Administration approved plans to build over 2300 housing units in the occupied West Bank. The Planning Council’s decision was announced publicly last week. In total, over 8000 housing units have been approved since the start of the year.


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