
Human Rights Commissioner Kofler and French Ambassador for Human Rights Croquette on the occasion of the verdict against the Chinese civil rights lawyer Yu Wensheng

19.06.2020 - Press release

French Ambassador for Human Rights, François Croquette, and Federal Government Commissioner for Human Rights Policy and Humanitarian Assistance, Bärbel Kofler, jointly declare today on the occasion of the verdict against the Chinese civil rights lawyer Yu Wensheng, holder of the Franco-German Prize for Human Rights and the Rule of Law (June 19):

We are dismayed by the verdict to a four-year sentence in the trial against Chinese human rights lawyer Yu Wensheng. Yu has peacefully campaigned for constitutional reforms, human rights, and the rule of law in China and has served as a lawyer for other human rights defenders. Yu Wensheng was awarded the German-French Human Rights Award for this commitment in December 2018.

We appeal to Chinese institutions to respect the rule of law and to guarantee and protect the rights of Yu Wensheng and his family. We expect the Chinese leadership to enforce its stated goal of strengthening the rule of law!


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