Federal Foreign Office on the tenders for new housing units in East Jerusalem
A Federal Foreign Office Spokesperson issued the following statement today (4 June) on the issue of tenders for hundreds of new housing units in two Israeli settlements in East Jerusalem:
The latest issue of tenders for new housing units in settlements in occupied East Jerusalem is clearly irreconcilable with the goal of a negotiated two-state solution.
The German Government reaffirms its opposition to all unilateral steps which jeopardise a two-state solution. This includes settlement activity in contravention of international law and the associated demolition of Palestinian structures in Area C.
In line with UN Security Council Resolution 2334, the German Government will continue to refuse to recognise any unilateral changes to the lines of 4 June 1967. This also applies to unilateral steps relating to Jerusalem which have not been agreed to by Israel and the Palestinians through negotiations.
Background information:
On 30 May, the Israeli Land Authority issued new tenders for up to 805 new housing units beyond the Green Line in Ramot and Pisgat Zeev settlements.