
Statement by Minister of State Katja Keul at the High Level Pledging Conference on Sudan

19.06.2023 - Speech

Thank You.

And thanks to all the humanitarian workers on the ground who try to help people and save lives.

We are talking about almost two million displaced and hundred thousands of persons seeking refuge in neighbouring countries.

So many people have been uprooted.

We are still shocked about recent reports from West Darfur where people have been attacked and killed, just because of their ethnic identity.

The senseless eruption of violence made humanitarian assistance in an already challenging environment even more difficult - many times impossible.

Before the hostilities broke out, many children could still be reached by humanitarian assistance and get at least a daily meal from the World-Food-Program at their kindergarden.

This is no longer possible.

Considering hundreds of people killed and thousands injured our number one priority is evident:

The hostilities must end immediately.

The parties to the conflict, (SAF and RSF), must engage in meaningful talks about a sustainable ceasefire without further delay.

Civilians must be protected. Always.

International humanitarian law and human rights law must be respected. Now.

Due to the lack of access, we don’t know exactly who can benefit from humanitarian assistance today.

However, resilience operations have restarted and can hopefully reach as many people as possible.

At the onset of conflict, many organisations have been looted.

Some have come under crossfire and could barely operate.

Humanitarian workers were killed including four WFP staff in Darfur.

We will not forget them.

Humanitarian access must be ensured.

Humanitarian workers must be able to provide life-saving assistance without fearing for their own lives.

The Sudanese authorities must remove excessive bureaucratic impediments to the humanitarian operations and issue visa to humanitarian workers without delay.

Warring parties must prevent looting and ensure safe passage.

The conflict threatens stability and livelihoods in the entire region.

This is why assistance to vulnerable communities within Sudan and to neighbouring countries must be scaled up.

It is the countries in the region that are hosting the majority of the displaced in this crisis.

We thank those countries for their hospitality and we will continue to stand by your side in these difficult times.

Safe corridors between Sudan and neighbouring countries have to be established and borders must remain open.

In this spirit, Germany pledges 200 million euros of humanitarian assistance to Sudan and the region till 2024,

100 million of which are new commitments yet to be allocated, depending on access and the evolving security situation.

This is part of our broader commitment to the region, which also comprises 270 million for resilience building, and 3 million euros stabilization engagement.

The scope of this crisis makes it very clear: We need to join forces to save lives.

We encourage others to contribute what they can in response to the humanitarian crisis in Sudan and the region.

Every life counts.

There are almost 25 million people who are currently dependent on humanitarian assistance for survival.

We are closely observing the developments on the ground.

The country needs the restoration of political dialogue, actively shaped by civilian and civil society.

And Germany will continue to stand by the people of Sudan in their aspirations for freedom, peace, and justice and for a democratic Sudan.

Thank you for your attention.


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