Federal Foreign Office on the situation in Idlib
A Federal Foreign Office Spokesperson issued the following statement today (23 December) on the situation in Idlib in northwest Syria:
We are very concerned about the increased intensity of the fighting in Idlib in recent days. We condemn in the strongest possible terms the repeated attacks by the Syrian regime and its allies on civil infrastructure such as medical facilities. The humanitarian situation in Idlib remains catastrophic. The attacks of the past days make the already precarious conditions faced by the people in Idlib even worse. The humanitarian situation of thousands of families has already deteriorated drastically due to storms and a shortage of space in many camps. Further escalation of the situation must be prevented. We call for an immediate end to the attacks and the establishment of a permanent ceasefire.
The situation in Idlib spells out how urgently humanitarian assistance and the access required for it are needed in Syria. It is thus all the more regrettable that it has so far not proved possible to extend the UN Security Council cross-border resolution due to the veto by Russia and China. We will continue working all the harder with our partners on the Security Council to achieve a solution that makes it possible to continue using the border crossing points needed to deliver aid beyond 10 January. We call on all Security Council members to agree to a compromise that is informed solely by humanitarian needs and human suffering.