Germany tops the Nation Brands Index
Foreign Minister Gabriel issued the following statement today (16 November):
I am pleased that Germany is held in such high regard around the world. The results of this latest survey are again the proof. For some time now, Germany’s image hasn’t simply been based on our economic clout. People around the world vest their trust in us. With our global engagement, we are trying to live up to these expectations and shoulder responsibility – always together with our European partners. So I am especially delighted that France is also high up on the list in the eyes of the world.
Background information:
After topping the table in 2014, Germany ranked second in 2015 and 2016. With constant high scores in five of the six categories, Germany’s positive image is broad-based. Germany was awarded higher scores in all categories compared to last year and went up to second place in the category Investment & Immigration.
German products and the employability of Germans are ranked highest in the world. In the field of governance, Germany ranks fourth after Canada, Switzerland and Sweden. The culture of welcome and the attractiveness of the landscape are the weakest indicators in Germany’s profile.
The Anholt-GfK Nation Brands Index developed by Simon Anholt and carried out in collaboration with the company GfK Public Communications and Social Science is an international survey on the image of 50 countries. In 20 countries, a thousand adults post online their personal assessment of the nations surveyed, in six different categories: Exports, Governance, Tourism, Investment & Immigration, Culture & Heritage, and People.