
Federal Foreign Office on the situation in Ghouta and northern Syria

20.02.2018 - Press release

A Federal Foreign Office Spokesperson issued the following statement today (20 February) on the situation in Ghouta and northern Syria:

Terrible pictures are reaching us from Ghouta. The horror of Aleppo now threatens to repeat itself a few kilometres away from Damascus. Once again, innocent civilians, including many children, are the victims of the destructive violence of the Syrian regime and its supporters. We call on the regime to cease its attacks immediately and finally grant humanitarian access.

At the same time, reports from Afrin in northern Syria give us cause for great concern. Irrespective of Turkey’s legitimate security interests, we believe that the threat of a blockade will lead to further suffering among the civilian population.

Many in the international community, like us, have repeatedly warned of the consequences of military confrontation, which entails incalculable risks. The danger of a further escalation now appears acute, which is why we call on all those involved to put an end to the fighting.


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