Statement by a Federal Foreign Office Spokesperson on the situation in Venezuela
A Federal Foreign Office Spokesperson issued the following statement today (31 July) on the situation in Venezuela:
The German Government regrets that President Maduro’s Government has not halted the process to establish a constituent assembly despite great resistance by Venezuelan society and against the explicit advice of the international community.
This step has furthered divisions in the country, weakened the democratic order and aggravated the profound crisis that has shaken Venezuela for many months. The foreseeable escalation of violence claimed more than 15 lives this weekend. Our thoughts are with the victims and their families. We condemn the disproportionate use of violence by the security forces.
The German Government does not regard the constituent assembly as a suitable means to lead Venezuela out of its economic and social crisis.
The international community’s continued aim must be to support the country in its search for a non‑violent solution to the political and economic crisis.
As an urgent necessity, the Government must start serious negotiations with the opposition on a path out of the crisis and to this end accept the offers of mediation by countries from the region.