Circular note on election rallies by foreign politicians in Germany
The Federal Foreign Office sent the following circular note today (30 June) to the embassies accredited in Germany:
Appearances by foreign politicians at events in Germany that are aimed at the electorate of the foreign country require the approval of the German Government.
Such approval must be requested via a Note Verbale to the Federal Foreign Office at least ten days before the event. Approval will be granted in the light of foreign relations; it thus does not replace the necessary permits under the law of public order.
Appearances must comply with the principles of the Basic Law and the German legal system, particularly as regards the right of assembly. They may not pose a threat to public security and order.
As a general rule, approval is not granted if the speech is to be given in a period of less than three months before the date of the election or referendum; this rule does not apply to European Union Member States.