
Federal Foreign Office on the establishment of a new settlement in the West Bank

31.03.2017 - Press release

A Federal Foreign Office Spokesperson issued the following statement today (31 March) on the decision by the Israeli Cabinet to build a new settlement in the West Bank for the first time since 1991:

The Federal Government is committed to a peaceful solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Unilateral steps undermine the mediation efforts currently under way to resume negotiations.

The resumption of settlement construction violates international law and makes a solution to the conflict increasingly difficult – particularly now that, for the first time in many years, a decision to build a new settlement has been reached. This decision puts to the test our trust in the willingness of the Israeli Government to achieve a negotiated peace, for which there is no credible or viable alternative other than a two-state solution.

Our friendship with Israel is unwavering. Germany is and always will be committed to Israel’s security. This is why we have been following recent developments with profound and growing concern.

The Federal Government expects clarity on the part of the Israeli Government with respect to the solution that it is pursuing in order to achieve a lasting peace with the Palestinians. It will not acknowledge any change to the pre-1967 borders that has not been agreed by the parties.

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