
Foreign Minister Steinmeier on the appointment of Helga Schmid as Secretary General of the EEAS

15.06.2016 - Press release

Foreign Minister Steinmeier made the following comments on 15 June on the fringes of the Franco-German consultations in Brandenburg an der Havel:

I am delighted that Federica Mogherini, High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, has today appointed Helga Schmid as Secretary General of the European External Action Service.

Helga Schmid is a very experienced and level-headed diplomat. It is due not least to her skill, creativity and determination that we did not give up during the many years of negotiations with Iran and kept finding new approaches which ultimately led to the Vienna agreement on Iran’s nuclear programme last summer.

I wish Ms Schmid all the best and every success in her new and important role.

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