
Foreign Minister Steinmeier welcomes pledges of assistance for Libyan Government

12.04.2016 - Press release

Foreign Minister Steinmeier issued the following statement in Berlin on the situation in Libya and the outcome of the Libya donor conference held in Tunis on Tuesday (12 April):

Since its arrival in Tripoli, the Libyan government of national unity has successfully completed its first key steps to consolidate its position. But we have to be realistic: there is still an arduous path ahead before Libya is again a fully functioning state. It is good that the international community pledged in Tunis yesterday to swiftly provide the new Libyan Government with concrete support.

It will also be crucial for the success of the political process that the situation of the people in Libya now improves quickly and tangibly, that the water and power supplies work again and that hospitals have pharmaceuticals once more. I am glad that those present at the meeting made pledges amounting to more than 50% of the financing of the stabilisation fund which we proposed along with the UN.

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