
Federal Government welcomes agreement on cessation of hostilities and peace talks in Yemen

24.03.2016 - Press release

Following the announcement of a cessation of hostilities and the re-launch of peace talks for Yemen, a Federal Foreign Office Spokesperson issued the following statement on 24 March in Berlin:

It is good news for the long-suffering people in Yemen that UN Special Envoy Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed was able to bring about agreement with the conflicting parties on a cessation of hostilities and the re-launch of peace negotiations in mid-April. We call upon all sides to work without delay to reduce violence and refrain from doing anything that could call the success of the agreements into question.

This opportunity to end the fighting and bring about a political solution to the conflict must not be squandered. All sides must be aware of their responsibility for the future of the country and for the well-being of the Yemeni population and play a constructive role in the negotiations.

The German Government will continue to actively support the work of the UN mediator Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed.

Background information:

The UN Special Envoy for Yemen announced on 23 March that the conflicting parties had agreed on a cessation of hostilities from 10 April and a re-launch of peace negotiations on 18 April in Kuwait.

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