Human Rights Commissioner concerned at attacks on civilian targets in Yemen
Christoph Strässer, Federal Government Commissioner for Human Rights Policy and Humanitarian Aid at the Federal Foreign Office, issued the following statement on 31 August in response to reports that a water-bottling plant and a number of civilian homes had been attacked in Yemen:
I am appalled at the reports of attacks on civilian targets in Yemen. The destruction of civilian infrastructure threatens to exacerbate yet further the already catastrophic humanitarian situation and the shortfall in supplies for the population.
I therefore call on all parties to the conflict to uphold international humanitarian law and refrain from attacking civilian targets. The conflict in Yemen will not be resolved by military means.
I continue to support UN Special Envoy Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed in his efforts to reach a humanitarian ceasefire, stop the armed clashes and initiate a political process.
Background information:
A water-bottling plant in the Yemeni city of Hajjah was attacked on 31 August. Around 35 civilians are reported to have been killed. Reports from various Yemini towns indicate that private homes have been deliberately targeted and blown up. According to United Nations figures, the current conflict has to date claimed more than 4000 lives. The United Nations describes the humanitarian situation in Yemen as currently one of the largest humanitarian crises in the world.