
Statement by Foreign Minister Steinmeier on the attack on tourists in Tunisia

26.06.2015 - Press release

Speaking in Berlin, Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier issued the following statement in response to the terrorist attack on a hotel in Sousse, Tunisia:

Terrorists in Tunisia have again killed a number of people in a cowardly attack on tourists. While the full extent of what they did is not yet clear, we can already say that this crime has claimed many victims. We do not yet know whether any Germans are among them.

Three weeks ago, Tunisia’s President Essebsi was our guest at the summit in Elmau. At that meeting, the G7 countries assured him of their unwavering support in the fight against terrorism.

Today’s attack can only strengthen our resolve.My heartfelt sympathy goes out to all those who have lost loved ones.

A Federal Foreign Office spokesperson made an additional statement as follows:

“The Federal Foreign Office has set up a crisis unit.

Our embassy in Tunis is working flat out to establish the facts. A consular team from the embassy are on their way to the site of the attack as we speak, and the embassy is in close contact with the relevant Tunisian authorities.

The Federal Foreign Office has set up a helpline for people to call. The number is 030 5000 3000.”

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