
UN Security Council reform: High‑level meeting at the Federal Foreign Office

27.02.2015 - Press release

Im Auswärtigen Amt in Berlin sind in dieser Woche Vertreter reformorientierter Staaten zusammengekommen, um der seit mehreren Jahren andauernden Diskussion über die Reform des Sicherheitsrats der Vereinten Nationen neue Dynamik zu verleihen.

In late February, representatives of reform‑oriented states met at the Federal Foreign Office in Berlin in order to inject new momentum into the discussion about the reform of the United Nations Security Council, which has been going on for years.

Alongside the G4 countries (Germany, Brazil, India and Japan) and one person representing the President of the UN General Assembly, representatives of individual states and groups of states which are open to reform were invited to the meeting at Directors' level.

The participants shared the view that it was high time to initiate comprehensive reform of the UN Security Council. They agreed that 70 years after the UN was founded and 10 years after the last major reform summit in 2005 - at which the Heads of State and Government expressed their support for “early” reform - further steps now had to be taken.

Germany will therefore continue to cooperate closely with all interested and reform‑oriented partners and work with them to find ways to reform the Security Council so that it better reflects today's geopolitical reality and improves its working methods.

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