Federal Foreign Minister Steinmeier on the fire in Odessa: The tragedy in Odessa must be a wake‑up call!
Foreign Minister Steinmeier issued the following statement in Berlin this morning (3 May):
I am shocked and horrified at the painful death of so many people in the terrible fire in Odessa. We extend our condolences and our profound sympathy to the victims and their families, to Ukraine and to the people of Odessa.
I condemn in the strongest possible terms the outbreaks of violence in Odessa and other towns and cities in eastern and southern Ukraine, where demonstrators are attacking each other uninhibitedly and will stop at nothing, not even murder and manslaughter. The tragedy in Odessa must be a wake‑up call! Violence breeds only violence. If nothing is done to put an end to it now, the moment may come when it will simply be unstoppable.
That is why those in positions of political responsibility, on all sides, must not pour further oil on the flames. This starts with their choice of words: bellicose war rhetoric will only make everything even worse.