Minister Steinmeier: Bloodshed in Syria needs to come to an end
The Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Federal Republic of Germany, Frank-Walter Steinmeier today (March 15th) gave the following statement on the conflict in Syria:
More than 140.000 people have now lost their lives in Syria‘s civil war. Today, three years after the outbreak of the conflict, we remind ourselves of what marked the beginning of this civil war: The peaceful struggle of Syrians for a life in freedom and dignity - to which the regime of Bashar Assad responded with violence.
Today we urgently call on Assad, to finally stop the violence against his own people and to embrace the mediation efforts of the international community.
Our call to give a chance to Lakdar Brahimi‘s peace initiative is equally directed towards those forces within Syria‘s opposition, who have so been betting exclusively on terror and violence. The bloodshed in Syria needs to come to an end.