
Foreign Minister Steinmeier: Security Council Resolution on the humanitarian situation in Syria was overdue

22.02.2014 - Press release

In Berlin Foreign Minister Steinmeier tonight (22 February) issued the following statement on the United Nations Security Council’s unanimous adoption of the resolution on the humanitarian situation in Syria.

“It is good that the Security Council is now focusing on the humanitarian situation in Syria. Today’s Security Council resolution was overdue. It demands that an end be put to all forms of violence and rapid unhindered humanitarian access be provided, including across conflict lines and borders.

Serious human rights violations as well as violations of international humanitarian law are unacceptable to the international community. Aerial bombardment and the use of barrel bombs are serious crimes and must be ceased immediately.

The civil war in Syria cannot be won by military means, no matter how much violence is inflicted on the people. It is a sad fact that, even in Geneva, there has been no progress on humanitarian matters so far. Nevertheless, we must not let up in our efforts to seek ways and opportunities to alleviate the plight of people on the ground.”

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